I downvoted because

a wall of text isn't helpful

Please include the minimum amount of text in the question to describe the problem

Including excessive amounts of text makes it hard for the people who are trying to help answer questions.

Why this is a problem

When there is a huge amount of text inside a question, it makes it difficult to determine what is noise and what is relevant to the resolution of the issue. Most of the text posted is irrelevant which makes it harder for users to answer the question.

Why this is worth a downvote

The noise generated from all the text surrounding the error prevents future users from relating the question and the answer to their own issue. It also makes it much harder for anyone to determine what the problem is, making it much less likely to get a quick, correct answer. The question is effectively only useful to the asker, is less likely to get answered, and offers little or no value to the developer community as a whole.

When people are volunteering their time, free of charge, to help answer a question, appreciation can be shown by keeping the question consise–the minimum amount of detail needed to explain the problem.

Help others reproduce the problem

Not all questions benefit from including code, but if the problem is with code that was written, some should be included. Isolate the issue, and create a Minimal, Complete, Verifiable example (see the Stack Overflow help center for more details). Such an example is generally only a few lines of code, like a function or a database request.

What to do next

Start by paring down the body of the question. Explain how the problem arose and describe any difficulties found when trying to solve it. The first paragraph in a question is the second thing most readers will see, so make it as engaging and informative as possible.

Leave a comment!

Once you have done this, leave a comment to the person who sent you this link. They will be happy to retract their downvote.

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